Short Story – Intro

I had a bird’s eye view of the land that was promised. I could see nothing but a solid color of green.

Through the blanket of green something stood out. I could not make out what it was though it sparked my curiosity and there is nothing I could do to put it away.

Every day there it was. It surely wasn’t alive but did it stay in the same place? Was it watching me? You could not believe how I thought about this thing.

It was just across the street and one day I walked downstairs and headed toward it to seek it out.

I lost it. How did I lose it? Did it move? I didn’t see it move? Now I was alarmed and my heart was beating rapidly. How could this happen?

This was in the middle of the day under the hot sun. Bad things don’t happen in the daylight. I decided to run back to an open space and find the object again.

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